If you’re a parent or caregiver to an individual with Fetal Alcohol and you’re struggling, things can start getting better and soon.
It’s almost time for my free once-a-year Caregiver Kick Start Workshop. This workshop is designed to give you a better understanding of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder, so you can have better days at home, and get those around you who don’t understand FASD on board.
Gain the confidence through this workshop to go into meetings prepared to get others to understand your loved one's challenges with FASD so that you can get the resources necessary for them to succeed in every area of life.
This workshop is delivered once a year to help you. Here you will receive support, encouragement, strategies, and tips to deal with everyday challenges at home or school.
Learn what's working NOW from Jeff Noble and other FASD Parents with over 800 years of experience.
Not only will we be providing up-to-date information. We'll be showing a lot of actual case studies from regular families who are doing well RIGHT NOW! |