Dr. Hanlon-Dearman has been working collaboratively with a number of research teams to understand population health issues of individuals with FASD and to better integrate care for affected individuals and their families. Her clinical and research interests include neurodevelopmental patterns of children with FASD, as well as children with a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities.
Sleep impacts everyone, but more so for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In fact, according to Dr. Ana, up to 85% of individuals on the spectrum will have sleep issues. In this episode Jeff interviews Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman, MD,FRCPC,FAAP.
Dr. Ana Hanlon-Dearman is a Developmental Pediatrician at the Manitoba FASD Centre and at the Child Development Clinic with the Child Health Program in Winnipeg, MB. The good Dr is also a professor and a world champion racquetball player(ok we made that last thing up) Dr, Halon-Dearman has also spent her professional career focusing on FASD and sleep, or lack there of.
In this episode Jeff and Ana (we got permission) talk about everything related to FASD and sleep such as:
Show Notes:
Understanding and Managing Sleep Disruption in Children
with FASD
Closed FASD Facebook Support Group!
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