Michael Harris is an active speaker regionally and nationally, a foster parent to a young man on the Spectrum and creator of the FASD Elephant™ podcast and website. Michael graduated from Vanderbilt University with a BA in Psychology and received an MA in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development.
You will learn:
The six types of anxiety.
A two-step plan for getting off the anxiety loop.
The greatest protective factor for combating caregiver anxiety.
In addition, Michael shares some of his learning to let go as a foster parent to a young man with FASD. We also talk about ideas to lower your anxiety so you can support your child’s learning at home, the importance of self-care and how/where to find time for it.
"We have to bring ourselves into a stable state. Remember: Progress not Perfection! Some people are loving this time - most parents want connection with their children. This is the perfect time to do that."
Following his advice to focus on what you can control and pare those things down into "bite-sized" chunks, you should find confidence in your parenting again through this pandemic.
Show Notes:
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