Are you like our guest today – riding the bus of denial? Knowing your loved one has FASD but then doubting the diagnosis or thinking it is something else when they “seem” to be functioning as a neurotypical.
It can be an exhausting journey. But if you want to learn how to get off that bus, and find success, join Patti Crouch and me for the next hour.
Patti is the adoptive mother of three children. She has no clue what to write in her bio because all she is trying to do is survive, do what is best for her children and not gain weight by all the chocolate and ice cream that she eats. She does host the "The Denial Bus" podcast when she can, where she simply shares real and raw talk and interviews from parents and professionals that have a touch with adoption, trauma, and different needs kids. Occasionally she is funny.
If I’m going to be vulnerable, it gives you the chance to be vulnerable and when we are vulnerable together, that’s where we learn and heal and grow.
Today we talk about Patti’s journey to becoming a mom, a stand-up comedian and hosting a podcast. As well as:
Thoughts on Transitions: everyone plans for before and during. I don’t feel like lots of people plan for after. And that requires just as much planning.
You know when you think you know someone, then you find out you really don’t know them or find a piece of their personality you didn’t know was there? I found that out with Patti today.
She has been a long-time member of our private Facebook Group and last year joined our CKS coaching program. I love when she is on calls as she is raw, real, and identifiable. I knew she was funny, but I didn’t realize how deep and reflective that comedic side can be.
I think you are going to find her story relatable and quotable.
Show Notes:
Patti's podcast: Denial Bus
50% Complete
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