In today’s episode she and I break down:
I used to just keep on going. The last time there was a meltdown I realized I was tired. She was off to school the next day. So, I took a day off, which I never do, but I really needed a quiet day. I felt so much better for it. So that’s been a really big lesson for me as well.
There is much more to this interview. We talk about the difference it made joining the Caregiver Kickstart Coaching Program. Who she brought along to motivate and support her, which had a surprising benefit. And we talk about the importance of community and how getting perspectives from others around the world can help you with advocating for your child.
If you are a busy professional who wonders how you will find the time to add yet another thing to your schedule, Kelly gives some tips on how it is possible. And if you are like Kelly was – not being able to see beyond the next day or week – you will find out that things can and do change. We want all parents and caregivers to feel like Kelly – that there is a bright future ahead.
You need a roadmap and support along the way. Wouldn’t it be great to get what you need so you too can move from where you may be stuck now to creating better days at school, at home, and a hopeful plan for the future?
Show Notes:
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