#095 (DiG)ging into FASD & Genetics

fasd success show Feb 12, 2022

Join me and my co-host, Barb Clark, as we talk with Abigail Erickson, Dr. Leah Wetherill, and Jeanine Schulze, part of DiG FASD, a fetal alcohol research study at the Indiana University School of Medicine about FASD and Genetics.

Interestingly, kids with FASD get referred to geneticists yet there isn’t a specific genetic test for FASD. But geneticists are trained in ‘syndromes’ and those are health issues that have multiple things going on. They take all those puzzles pieces and put them together to identify what is going on. 

DiG FASD stands for “Dissecting the Genetic Contributions to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.” FASD is a Spectrum. The research team says that by understanding how genes make FASD different, they hope to discover and improve treatments and interventions. If you might be confused about genetics, don’t worry, I got you covered. We break it down for you: 

  • What genes are and how prenatal alcohol exposure affects them.
  • Details of the study, who can participate and how, including compensation.
  • Barriers and challenges and what the team hopes to achieve.  

(When we) understand FASD better then we can diagnose better. Once you get a clear diagnosis then the more we can help create interventions and understand why some work or work better in some people vs others. 

I want to thank Barb Clark, my very first co-host. Having someone join me to ask questions and offer another point of view was a fun experience that I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned to future episodes as I invite other co-hosts along the way. 

Check out the Show Notes for links to get involved (and how to get paid) in the DiG FASD Research study. 

Show Notes: 

Research Website:  DiG Fetal Alcohol Research Study 

Check out our website:  The FASD Success Show  

Check out the FASD Success Facebook Page: FASD Caregiver Success 

Join our Private Facebook Group: FASD Caregiver Success Group 

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