Do you ever wonder how families with multiple kids on the Spectrum manage? In this week’s episode we meet Anne and Jeff Munson, parents to 19-year-old twins, a 16 and a 14-year-old. They are going to tell you what life was like living in a “hormone hurricane.” There was police involvement, constant dysregulation, and issues at school. In fact, it got so bad their son told them they needed to go to parenting school.
I felt like I was a horrible mom. I felt we were not good parents. I wondered why were they not listening to us? Why don’t the teachers understand? We always presented a unified front to the kids, but there were breaks in the armour. The water was coming over the dam. It was tough.
Once the twins turned 18, Anne decided something needed to change. We discuss what that was and how they made those changes, including:
Our son said to me – you just need to go to parenting school. I told him I don’t need to go to parenting school. You need to respect what I have to say. But we do need to go. To do better. To understand ourselves and our kids and how to deal with FASD. We did go to school. And it was life changing.
The Munson’s story is one that many caregivers can relate to. That most people surrounding you do not understand FASD, the struggles and the challenges you live each day. You feel judged, alone and intimidated trying to advocate. But there are ways to find your way out of the chaos. Finding a team that gets you is part of that.
We want you to be part of the team that the Munson’s found. Check out this episode to find hope, inspiration, and a new path forward.
Show Notes:
FASD Workshop: Learn what’s working now from Jeff and other FASD parents and caregivers with 800+ years of experience. Click: Free Virtual Workshop. Once you register, you will get support, encouragement, strategies, and tips to deal with everyday challenges at home or school.
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