It’s September 9 and that means it’s International FASD Awareness Day! In honour of that, we have a unique and special treat for you today! What started out as a quick promo video for a new song, turned into a BONUS podcast episode because it was so great!
I am talking to Joanne Garofalo from Voice in a Million & FASD Hub Scotland and Darren Day, an actor and singer from the UK, about the release of a new song – You Are My Song – written by James Hawkins.
I have recorded charity singles before, but there was something different when I sang this, and I felt a different emotion. The reason this feels different and is so important – I’ve spoken to others who should know about this because of the work they do, and they don’t. Suddenly I feel like it’s my mission.
The cool part is that while this version is launched today - FASDay - a bigger project is in the works that anyone can participate in. You will get all those details, plus:
An incredible opportunity we have when we work in this field is to witness the realization people have about how prenatal alcohol exposure may have touched their lives. I went into this interview thinking it would be a 5-minute video promo about a song and soon realized it was much more. Especially for Darren, who is now a champion for FASD. As he said, he is “eager like an athlete on the starting line.”
Check out the links below. I hope whatever you do today has meaning for you. Together we will bring awareness to light about prenatal alcohol exposure, the strengths and brilliance of people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and the amazing support and advocacy of parents and caregivers.
Show Notes:
“You Are My Song”. Written by James Hawkins, performed by Darren Day, and supported by a choir of children with FASD and other neurodevelopmental conditions and their families. Download here:
Previous Podcast with Jo:#082 Jo Garofalo: FASD The Hidden Disability
History Notes of FASDay: Day 50 OF 99 Days: The Birth of FASDay
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